Getting Our Learning On

We've all had those moments that we all feel like we have no clue what we're doing. We assume that everyone else has a handle on life, but the real secret is: NO ONE DOES!

I saw a sweet family at the grocery store the other day. This young mother of two was holding her little girl, maybe 2 or 3 years old, who was screaming and crying and squirming. Big brother was in the cart seat that daddy was pushing. Mom was asking dad what to do to try and get through groceries because this little girl wasn't calming down. As a young mother myself, I felt her pain. When I'm in those moments where Little Bug just won't calm down, I feel like the word "Clueless" is stamped on my forehead.

Well, here on the farm is no different. We feel like we have no idea what we're doing sometimes. Do we try to fit the organic label? How do we protect our chickens from predators like hawks and coyotes, but still make them free range? How do I fix the hydraulic cylinders on the backhoe? How do I keep my chickens out of my garden? How do I get the word out to potential customers about our products and events?

Like many of you, we find some of these answers online, or hire people to help us. Much of it, we have to learn. The last few weeks, we have been learning how to sell our products. I never thought a farmer would have to market anything. It seems obvious now, but we don't have the education to back it. With all of this in mind, I have a question to ask.

  • What brought you to our farm?
  • Why do you continue to buy from us?
  • What show of appreciation do you prefer: discount, free new product, farm tour, other?
Kristi BennettComment